SEN Swimming

Lessons for Children with Disabilities and Special Needs
AMES UK Swim School is keen to offer swim classes for those children with disabilities and special educational needs where it is possible.
We have experience in offering swimming lessons for children with learning difficulties such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, autism and several other disabilities. All of these conditions can often be helped through swimming.
Swimming is ideal for every child or adult. It helps relax the muscles, it doesn’t put extra strain on the body and it will build up self confidence and self esteem.
“Mission statement: The mission of AMES UK Swim School is to provide all swimmers, children and adults, with a memorable, high standard and positive swimming experience. Our caring, well-trained and experienced staff will work on positive reinforcement, support and technical practice in order to built confidence in the mental and physical well being of the swimmers.”
Vicky Panagiotidou
With disabled and special needs children, helpers will be more than welcome too. Private lessons are also available.
Whatever the ability of the swimmer every swim school and club needs to provide the best opportunities it can for all of its members. We know it takes more than dedication to be a medal winner, but we are failing some potential medal winners, through ignorance.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) now makes it a legal requirement for clubs to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to include disabled swimmers.
Many Swim England clubs/swim schools provide opportunities for disabled swimmers to train and compete within their structures and there are many examples of good practice, but a lack of understanding of the disability swimming structures still exists within many ‘mainstream’ Swim England clubs.
As a result of the Swim 21 Club Development Programme, and the new registration procedures, we know that there are swimmers out there who could access additional competitive opportunities and who have potential within Disability Swimming but currently are not.
Please contact us to discuss your needs and we will be only too pleased to share our experiences with you and discuss the possibilities of what we can offer.